How wonderful it is to be warm again! It certainly is fantastic to see so many happy faces attending their lessons again this term.
We have had some exciting times at Dipadees over the last few months. You may have noticed there are some new staff on deck, in the pool and on reception. Our very experienced reliable team are also still hard at work. How awesome! We have run training for Competitive Strokes and Learn to Swim teaching and these courses were well attended.
Friday night Race night has kicked off again and is becoming quite a social swim meet. If your child is in Breather 2, Super Dippers or Missiles you are welcome to bring them down to have a look or just a sausage from the BBQ.
Storm season is upon us now meaning at times we may have to cancel a class last minute, rather than risk having children in the water during an electrical storm. If the weather is looking ominous in the lead up to your lesson time, please be sure to check your emails (including junk folder) and text messages prior to coming to lessons. Usually the storms pass quite quickly so we may only have to cancel lessons for an hour or so whilst it passes. If we cancel your lesson due to an electrical storm we will automatically issue you with a make up token. If you prefer a credit please email [email protected] . If the class is cancelled while the child is swimming the children will be taken to a dry area to wait for pick up.