Hi everyone,
We have loved reading your feedback from the customer survey so far. For those who haven't filled out the survey yet, it is easy just click here or scan the QR code and answer one question. Add your child's level and day plus your name and you are in the draw to WIN one of 3 x $50 credits towards swim lessons! Survey will close at the end of March. |
Starlight Foundation
We have raised $1,988 for sick kids. Well done everyone! Miss Georgina, Harry and Amelia had a great time swimming and raising money! Skills in Customer Portal We are currently in the process of updating the skill function in your customer portal. The skills for Beginners through to Breathers 2 have been added. If your child is in one of these levels, please have a look in your portal to see your child's progress. Baby and Toddler, Super Dipper and Missile levels will be added soon. If you have any questions regarding your child's skill level or can't see any skills attached please contact us [email protected]